Our School
Welcome to Parkside Elementary School!
Welcome to Parkside Elementary School!
Welcome to Parkside Elementary School!
Our Mission
Parkside Elementary School is dedicated to our amazing diverse Pittsburg Community. Parkside students are given a solid foundation that stimulates thought, appreciation of culture, wonder, respect for each other, equity, and a lifelong passion for learning. Providing the tools necessary for all students as they enter middle school and beyond is Parkside Elementary School's top priority. Once a Parkside kid always a Parkside Kid.
- Parkside is a Title One school that receives part of its funding from the federal government.
- Our Adopted Language Arts Program is Wonders. This program is a California Standards based that assists us with teaching our children the proper and crucial standards for language arts.
- Writing is a major focus at Parkside Elementary. It is our belief that with a complete and competent writing program that assists our students in all areas of academics. Competent writing assists with reading comprehension, fluency, math skills and all other areas in academics.
- The main emphases at Parkside are language arts, math, social studies, music, PE, respectfulness, citizenship, science, and the ability to succeed.
- When each child enters Parkside they are assessed. This information is used to inform us of your child's academic level. This allows the teacher to change instruction for each child; this includes extra help when needed and providing more challenging curriculum when needed.
- Every student has access to their own Chromebook. Carts of Chromebooks are in each classroom.
- Each classroom is equipped with a document camera, central audio system, amplifying system, and touch screen to assist with instruction. We have found that this technology really captures the students' interest.
Positive Incentives and Goals
- Parkside rewards responsible students with our "Independent Student" Program. If students follow a detailed rubric that gives points for responsibility and citizenship they receive a lanyard and picture ID that will allow many special privileges throughout the school.
- Parkside “Gotchas” and Parkside Bucks are given to students who demonstrate responsibility. These rewards can be turned in for prizes once a week at our student store.
- Accelerated Reader gets kids excited about reading and math. When students have read a book or passed a math level on the computer they get recognition at our once a week flag salute and receive prizes.
- "Levelers" are awards given to every student that brings their math and language arts level up a level after each quarter assessment. These awards are given as badges that the students proudly wear.
- Class points are given for whole class positive behavior. These points are posted and one class from each grade level win a swim party at the end of the year. This establishes "teamwork" as working toward a common good.
- Our expectations, policies, and procedures for students, parents, and staff begin with the "3 B's". Be Kind- Be Respectful – Be Responsible
- Safety is a priority at Parkside. Rules are in place that allows students to be respectful to one another and allow safe movement of all students during the course of the day. At the beginning of the year both students and families are made aware of these expectations.
Basic Expectations
Parents and caregivers, thank you for being an important part of your child’s education. Because you are an important part we wanted you to know the expectations and procedures that we have for your child here at school. Please help us by going over these rules with your child.
- We walk in the hallway in a safe line behind our teachers.
- We are respectful to our teachers and listen and do everything that they tell us to do.
- If somebody tries to hurt us we tell our teacher immediately. We do not fight at school. Fighting is not tolerated. If your child gets into a fight or hits back in anger they will be suspended and you will be asked to come to school for a conference. We have many adults supervising and students can write on a classroom agenda if somebody is disrespectful to them. We take respect for others very seriously here at Parkside.
- We are respectful to the adults and fellow students at school.
- When we line up in the hallway for lunch we stay in line with our class and continue not to touch other students. We can talk in line but we use a low voice like we do in the library.
- Once in the cafeteria we get our food, say thank you to the person who gave us our food and sit at the table with our class number on it. We can get up from the table when our teacher excuses us.
- We always walk in the hallways so that we do not fall or run into other students.
- If we are sent to the office for negative behavior you will be contacted and asked to talk to your child to correct the negative behavior.